To be a good steward: to use my talents wisely and to their fullest for the betterment of all.

I strive to make the best possible use of my clinical and teaching skills and use my energy, academic research, clinical and leadership interests for the betterment of all organizations with which I become affiliated.


July 2003 — September 2004 Osteopathic Program Director – Family Practice, Providence Hospital and Medical Centers, Southfield, MI

October 2003 — June 2006 Assistant Clinical Professor, Michigan State University College of Osteopathic Medicine

October 2003 — Present Assistant Clinical Professor, Wayne State University College of Medicine

January 2006 — December 2007 President, Department of Family Practice, Providence Hospital and Medical Centers, Southfield, MI

January 2003 — December 2005 Secretary, Department of Family Practice, Providence Hospital and Medical Centers, Southfield, MI

April 2003 — Present Staff Physician, Angela Hospice, Livonia, Michigan

October 8, 2000 — Present Co-founder, PrimeCare of Wixom, a multi-physician family practice in Wixom, MI Present

June. 1997– October 6. 2000 Moonlighting work- Providence Hospital and. Medical Centers. Urgent Care Physician

November 2001– June 2006 Clinical faculty, Department of Family Medicine, Botsford General Hospital, Present Farmington Hills, MI. Duties involve teaching and precepting Family Practice and Internal Medicine residents.

January 1997– October 8, 2000 Private (employed) group practice. Specialist in Family -Practice, Providence Hospital and Medical Centers 47601 Grand River Avenue, Suite C-106 Wixom, MI 48374


Managed Care, Quality Assurance, Medical Practice Management Group (Electronic medical records) Committees

October 1998 — March, 1999 Lecturer, Michigan State Medical Society. Adult Immunization State representative to national ACP/NIH convention on immunization policies and practices.

February, 1996– February, 1997 Faculty, Family Practice Residency. Mission Health, Southfield, Mi. Duties involve in-patient and out-patient teaching, of residents. in-patient and out-patient clinical care. “Teacher of the Year” awarded by the residents. June 1996, “Outstanding Faculty of the Year” awarded by the Department of Family Practice, June 1996. Committee memberships: Patient Education, Geriatrics-, Physician Compensation and Benefits., Primary Care Council. I was responsible for the Geriatrics teaching component of the Family Practice Residency.

July 1, 1981– February, 1996 Extensive clinical experience in primary rural health care. Continuous self-employed, self-administered private medical practice in Cassville, Pennsylvania (Pop. 300) The practice grew to the point where I had to restrict new patients in 1988. At that time, there were 7000 active patients. From 1992 through 1994, 1 employed a second physician. Cassville is located 17 miles south into the mountains from the Mixed staff 110 bed community hospital . Active staff privileges at J. C. Blair Hospital included nursery, ICU, pediatrics, medicine and the Emergency Room. Committee members*: P&T, Quality Council, Credentials, Medical Records, and ICU.

July 1, 1979 — June 30., 1981 National Health Service Corps physician, Broadtop Medical Center, Broadtop PA. This was a community-board administered general practice. Hospital privileges were maintained as above.

Professional American Osteopathic Association American College of General Practitioners Botsford Hospital, Farmington, MI,

Active medical staff Michigan Osteopathic Association Pennsylvania

Osteopathic Medical Association Providence Hospital and Medical Centers, active medical staff

Community Founder, Positive Thinking Library Holy Family Roman Catholic Church Coach,

Wixom Parks and Recreation

Wixom Road Runners Promise Keeper’s


December, 1997 Master of Science, Concentration in Health Science Administration Central Michigan University

July 1, 1978- June 30, 1979 Rotating internship, Detroit Osteopathic Hospital Corporation’ Detroit, Michigan.

July 1, 1974 — June 30, 1978 Medical School, Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Doctor of Osteopathy granted June 4, 1978.

September 1970- May 1974 College, Lehigh University~ Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. Granted B.S. in Fundamental Sciences. This program was designed to accommodate students with double science majors.

September 1966 — May 1970 High School , Salutatorian, Bishop McDevitt High School, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. Extra-curricular activities included Honor Society, Drama Club, Latin Club, Yearbook (sports editor), Projection Club, Forensics Club and Swimming Team (Varsity letter 3 years).


July 7, 1979 Unrestricted license to practice osteopathic medicine. Granted by the State Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, License # OS-004262-L.

August 2., 1979 Unrestricted license to practice osteopathic medicine. Granted by the State Board of Osteopathic Medical Examiners of the State of Michigan, License # B-7518.


January 12, 1995 Recertified in Family Practice. This was a voluntary recertification and was the first tune the Osteopathic profession sponsored such an examination. Certificate # 3397. Expires December 31, 2005.

February 14, 1992 Certificate of Added Qualification in Geriatrics. Certificate # 3397.

July 28, 1988 Certified in General Practice by the American Osteopathic Board of General Practitioners and Surgeons, Certificate # 3397.

July 1, 1979 Passed the National Board of Examiners for Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons., USA. Certificate # 5422.


  • Eagle Scout
  • 3 palms Order of the Arrow
  • Vigil Member Ad Altari Deo Secretary
  • Department of Medicine
  • I C. Blair Memorial Hospital 1986-1987
  • “Teacher of the Year” awarded by the residents, June 1996
  • “Outstanding Faculty of the Year” awarded by the Department of Family Practice, June 1996


Date of Birth: August 15, 1952

Place of Birth: Harrisburg, Pennsylvania

Marital Status: Married

Race: Caucasian Citizenship USA

Health: Excellent Multi-year finisher of the Chicago, Washington, Pittsburgh, and Detroit marathons


  • Bicycling
  • Health and Fitness
  • Bird watching
  • Model railroading
  • Camping
  • Philosophy and Personal Development
  • Computer Sciences
  • Running (Have completed over 15 marathons)
  • Dog breeding
  • Scuba diving
  • Fishing
  • Swimming
  • Golf
  • Horseback riding/jumping
  • Woodworking
  • Acting
  • Choir


Teaching is what I do as a practicing physician! I have distilled over my career a unique style of analogy in order to illustrate medical points to patients. I have extensive experience in public speaking to civic groups, ambulance corps, religious and medical organizations.

1996-97 Responsible for the Geriatrics component of the Family Practice Residency. Duties included weekly in-patient teaching rounds, regular lectures on practice management and weekly lectures in the nursing home on topics in geriatric medicine.

1982 Course Director, Emergency Medical Technician 1

1985 Course Director, Emergency Medical Technician 1

1986 Lecture, Anorexia Nervosa

1987 Lecture, Acute Cardiac Emergencies

1987-1988 Clinical researcher, Loratadine Study, Schering Corporation September 1987– Clinical researcher, Omeprazole open label study, MSD,

May 1990 This study involved setting up an IRB and compliance with extensive study protocols for development of data ultimately included in MSD`s data base. This was done for the benefit of one of my patients with a MEN-l syndrome in order to obtain the drug under the compassionate use program before it was commercially available.

1989 Course director, EKG interpretation

May 199 1 -June 1992 Clinical researcher, Isradapine Study, Sandoz Corporation

June 1996 “Teacher of the Year”. Department of Family Practice, Providence Hospital and Medical Center. Schwartzberg Award for teaching excellence, Family Practice.



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