Do you want to save time at your appointment?

Fill out your forms in advance by clicking the button below

We love getting to know our patients!

Register or schedule a meet and greet with one of our physicians by clicking the button below.

The quickest way to schedule an appointment is through our patient portal.    It is easy to use and you should be able to create an account by clicking on the above link.  

We will make every effort to offer you an appointment on the same day that you request. This is especially true if your problem is of an urgent nature. We will try to schedule you with your own physician whenever possible to ensure continuity of care. Please call at least 24 hours in advance to cancel an appointment.

We do not double book appointments without extenuating circumstances. Your time with us is interrupted only under very special conditions. Our commitment to you is to:

  • answer your phone call promptly and courteously
  • greet you upon arrival
  • bring you back to the examining room in a timely fashion
  • address your concerns in a caring, professional fashion
  • arrange your care plan efficiently including giving you the results of your tests
  • and do the billing properly


In return, we expect you to keep your scheduled appointment or notify us in a timely fashion if unable to do so. We want to be notified of changes in your medication, testing done outside the office, or of any new, severe, or persistent medical concerns.

We will charge your account $25 for missed appointments (after one courtesy no-show per year) not canceled with enough time for us to fill the slot. Mutual respect is a key part of our on-going relationship with our patients.

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