IMG_3319PrimeCare on Wixom has family physicians ready to diagnose acute illness and provide preventive care for adults of all ages. One of the important ways in which we do this is by electronically tracking the items for which an individual is due.

This is much more sophisticated than saying simply that a 40ish female needs a yearly pap smear and mammogram. Our electronic support takes into account what medications, illnesses, risk factors are present as well. We can then more clearly focus on the preventative health that patients expect their doctors to provide, but which all too commonly gets lost in other practices, in the urgency of the moment when an acute illness strikes. This includes yearly physical exams, providing care for chronic problems such as hypertension, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, depression, anxiety, thyroid diseases, and obesity management.

We are well-established in the community and are familiar with the local physicians and facilities. This enables our staff to coordinate care with multiple specialists and agencies.

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